Procurify + Cloudcom Real-Time Spend Visibility and Control

With Procurify, CloudCom can help you improve your spend controls and speed up your approval processes. It has never been easier to implement and use purchasing software.

Bring more spend under management with CloudCom + Procurify

Procurify’s Intelligent Spend Management platform promotes transparency and accountability for your entire organization, while capturing reliable spend data to help fuel business growth.

  • Improve your bottom line with real-time spend insights
  • Enforce responsible spend with predictable workflows
  • Streamline workflows and speed up purchase cycle times
  • Connect the dots between purchasing and finance

Take control of spend now

Talk to CloudCom about how Procurify can fit into your workflow to bring you unprecedented visibility and control over all spend.

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The easy-to-use procure-to-pay platform

Procurify is the only mid-market solution in the world that delivers a seamless procure-to-pay software experience for the entire organization, giving anyone from any department the tools they need to be accountable for responsible spend decisions.

Enrich accounting and ERP system data

CloudCom will show you how you can integrate Procurify’s purchasing data into your accounting software so you can unlock more spend visibility while saving hundreds of hours of manual entry. Syncing your purchasing data to your ERP or accounting software simplifies your reconciliation and payments process.

Trusted by hundreds of companies around the world to manage over $30B in spend